The Full-Year Fund and Investors report showcases the most active organisations raising funds in 2022. This report will provide you with a cohesive view of the global infrastructure market including what's being raised, who's been most successful, their acquisition activities, including regions and sectors and where their money will be targeted. Our analysis will identify trends in fundraising and how the infrastructure asset class is evolving.

All of the data within the report has been collated from IJInvestor; our custom-built deal database that allows you to effortlessly link data for funds, Fund Managers, assets, investors and transactions.


IJInvestor enables our clients to identify and capitalise on potential investment opportunities, minimise risk with alternative strategies and assist in maximising successful data-driven solutions for investors.

Further benefits include the ability to:

  • Identify strategies to avoid and prevent investment failure
  • Benchmark new and existing fund performance
  • Discover key trends and industry developments
  • Strengthen your competitive advantage
  • Maximise your position with advanced fund knowledge
  • Automate competitor alerts for real-time updates.